
This is a new department formed in September 2004 in a new base area in Martin Building. It embraces Geography, History and Travel and Tourism. Recent developments have included the launching of a BTEC Travel and Tourism course at KS4, which enables students to explore the global travel industry.

In KS3, Geography and History courses are run by the department and cover topics as part of National Curriculum. Educational visits include trips to Aston Hall, National Trust sites, particularly 'back to back houses' in Birmingham, the Tower of London and the Docklands area.

In KS4, Geography and History courses are offered at GCSE level. Travel and Tourism is offered as a BTEC First Diploma. Proposed visits are to Albert Dock, Liverpool and Northern France in addition to our local trips, still.

To facilitate the new History course for International Baccalaureate students at foundation and higher levels, the department is in the process of exploring links with International and IB schools in Britain, France, the Netherlands and Denmark.