
At GDIS, we have an extremely efficient, large, vibrant Mathematics Department where staff are committed to every student's progress. All Mathematics is taught in the Ritchie building, where most teachers have their own teaching base. Our examination results at both Key stages have been continuously improving for the last several years. The department is extremely well resourced; we have a large variety of text books and other teaching materials - all rooms have interactive whiteboards and digital projectors connected to computers to enable interactive learning. The electronic storage and usage of mathematical questions, the internet facility available in every classroom and a positive environment all make learning a joy! A new computer suite also allows students to experience simulations and modelling of geometry and transformations.

Students are set according to their learning ability and prior attainment - we ensure that no student is disadvantaged in his or her progress in Mathematics. In addition to GCSE in Mathematics, we offer a GCSE course in Statistics to some Year 10 and 12 students. Many of our high achieving students stay and join our Sixth Form and study for a two year International Baccalaureate Diploma. They may choose Mathematics or Mathematical Studies, depending upon their personal ambition. Recently, we have been granted the status of 'Specialist Maths and Computing College'. It is another exciting development which will create further opportunities for development and interaction between our school departments, primary schools and members of the local adult community.